Wednesday, 6 February 2013

CAS Journal Entry No. 3: No-Plastic Zone

To make our school campus a no-plastic zone, as part of our CAS activities, we decided to make recyclable paper bags that we could distribute to the students of our school and help them to stop using plastic bags. When we first started with our project, we never anticipated that we would end up making as many bags as we ended up making. The paper bags were to be inaugurated during the school book fair, to replace the plastic ones that are usually handed out. Using newspapers to make the bags and with the help of the art department, we headed down to the AV room with a couple of bottles of glue and a lot of optimism.

  I had never been greatly involved in art before joining the IB diploma programme (except for a small stint in second grade but I don’t count that). What I found out was that I should have spent more time colouring, and less time watching TV. A refreshing eighty minutes later, we walked out much more active than we went in (our CAS hours are on Friday afternoons, so you can’t really blame us for our lethargy). The process of creation always lifts up anyone’s mood, and it was no different that day. It was a good team-building activity because we found ourselves co-ordinating with each other to get that piece of newspaper, or that glue bottle, or to put that bag here or there and with help from our CAS co-ordinator to keep us on track, we actually didn’t get out of topic for once.
In all the experience was a great example of a creative session. I hope we get to do more activities like that in the future. There is really a lot to explore in the creativity component of our CAS activities, and I think in the future I would be very interested in doing more such activities.

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